University of Cambridge

POrtal for Patient and Public Engagement in Dementia research

Welcome to Popped! This platform invites you to share your thoughts on research projects aimed at improving dementia care. By gathering feedback from the public, we hope to guide research in ways that reflect the needs and priorities of people with dementia, their carers, families, professionals and anyone with experience or interest in dementia.


AD-SMART is a new sort of trial where instead of testing one drug against a dummy treatment (‘placebo’) we test a number of different drugs against dummy treatment at the same time. Some people taking part will get the placebo, others one drug and others a different drug in what are called different ‘arms’ of the trial. This means we can find out about treatments much more quickly and cheaply by testing several drugs at once compared to testing each treatment alone. We now want your opinions on which drugs might be the best to include in the trial.